Saturday, December 12, 2009

Wedding pictures

Here is a picture of our family from the wedding.

If you would like to view the online Wedding albums, we had two photographers (Carrie used Walgreens and Janelle used CVS), just send me a message with your email address and I can send you a link. I was going to post the link on the blog, but figured I probably shouldn't do it that way. You could also join me on Facebook. I only add family and friends (or people that I know), so please also send me a message with the request.

I'm adding, a picture of Evan as ring bearer, one with Evan and Jordan, one with Evan and Joe, and one with Evan and me. He was so cute! He always is. He can be quite mischevious at times, though.

Evan's Ear

Evan's ear has healed tremendously since surgery, at least on the outside. I guess the inside is still an open sore according to the dr. and still no swimming. He has to have surgery done a second time in January to complete the reconstruction of his ear canal. He might not have had to have a second surgery, but all the gauze had fallen out a couple of weeks ago.

He still needs 5 drops in his ear 2 times a day, and in all the chaos of the wedding and packing for our honeymoon trip I misplaced the drops and we went through this horrible hassle between the dr, the pharmacy, and insurance to try to get a prescription filled early because I guess it hadn't been 20 days yet and insurance was refusing to refill. The dr. gave us a new prescription and I had already left for the airport, so my sister hammered it out with the pharmacies and got them to make it a 10 day supply instead of a 20 day supply so he could have his drops. In the meantime, he was out of drops for 2 days... geez. Then I was talking to my mom yesterday and she said that the old bottle of drops were on the shelf in the bathroom. Ok. That is exactly where I kept them. And I swore up and down that I had looked there a million times before and they weren't there. Hmmm. It's like they got up and walked away and then were put back there again. How odd.

It sucks that he won't be able to go swimming anytime soon, because we are getting a YMCA membership when I return home from my honeymoon and I will have to be creative for a while yet about swimming. He absolutely LOVES swimming!! Oh well, anyway, we will deal with it. He can play the games in the Exceroom at least. He thought it looked so fun when we did our tour.

Joe and I are on our honeymoon in sunny Florida. Our cruise leaves tomorrow out of Tampa. We are so excited! I can't even sleep!!

Our wedding was so beautiful. Evan was so cute, well, of course, all the kiddos were super cute. Nate was going to walk down the aisle holding Evan's hand and carrying little Alli, but he had a bad knee from a car accident he had been in the week before and the dr advised him not to walk on it much... so we had Nate stand up front with Joe and Evan was to walk in slowly in front of me and then go sit with grandma and grandpa. Well, he had done so well practicing, but when the time came... he ran down the isle as fast as he could. I had just assumed he had sat with grandma, but when my dad walked me down the isle... there was Evan, standing up there with Jordan. He stood up there the whole time. But he was very good. When he got a little fidgety, he just sat down for a little while. Jordan and Evan were so cute up there. And Emma looked like such a beautiful young lady, and she's only 9... she's definately going to be a heartbreaker when she gets older. Janelle caught a couple of pictures of Nate with a smile on his face as he watched the ceremony. That's so neat!

I LOVE my new family! It's crazy, I went from being a single mom and a family of 3 to a family of 7 in one day. How crazy is that?